Thursday 30 June 2016

Knowledge of the Different Styles While Speaking

Knowledge of the Different Styles While Speaking 

Remember, using high sounding and obscure words do not make you a proficient speaker. The idea
should be to use vocabulary that serves the purpose. You may use simple words and may be successful in putting across your point effectively.

Thus, you have to be able to-
􀁺 Use vocabulary appropriately
􀁺 Adjust the pitch and loudness of your voice according to the demand of the situation.
Often the context and the relationship you share with the listener will determine the style you will have to adopt while speaking. You may be required to use formal language in some situations and can be informal in some other situations. Formal language is the type of language we use for purposes like official reports, business letters and academic writing. Formal language is generally used for written communication (for purposes mentioned above). However, it may also be used for writing personal letters. Informal language is the language used for day-to-day communication and is mostly used while speaking. But it is not normally used on occasions like giving a speech in a meeting or other formal occasions where you are required to speak. Here are some examples of a few occasions and the language that may be used while speaking on such occasions:

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