Tuesday 31 March 2015



Summaries and Conclusions

Make sure you summarize:
A summary restates the main points and emphasizes what the audience must
remember. It should be brief and must not contain any new information.
Create an Effective Conclusion:
Don't just present data or summarized results and leave the audience to draw
its own conclusions.
You need to state the logical consequences of what you have said. The
conclusion may often contain recommendations. However, the conclusion
must also be brief.
Read the two texts that follow: 1 is the summary and 2 is the conclusion. In
the summary we highlight the salient points, while in the conclusion we give

1.  I’d like to end by emphasizing the
main points.
·  Contrary to our expectations our
students are not performing
·  This is mainly due to our inability
to improve teaching methods….
·  The students from rural areas
faced various difficulties in
overcoming cultural and
communication barriers

2  So what do we conclude from this?
·  We must have specific training in
communication skills especially
in English.
·  We must use an eclectic approach
in teaching English.
·  Encourage all groups of students
to interact and visit each other’s

Questions / Discussion

During a presentation you are required
to give the audience a chance to ask
questions. Your policy on questions
must be stated right at the outset.
While presenting the outline you
should let the audience know whether
they can interrupt you with questions
in the course of the presentations or
you would like them to ask questions
at the end of your presentation.
Alternatively you can invite the
audience to a discussion.

Remember that when members of the audience ask you questions, it means
that they have a genuine interest in what you are saying and want to know
more. Treat this as an opportunity to get your message across better.
Here are some helpful clues for handling questions:

·  try to anticipate questions and prepare responses in advance
·  rehearse answers to difficult questions
·  listen very carefully – avoid the temptation to interrupt
·  make sure you understand the question - paraphrase it, if necessary; repeat
it, if needed
·  give yourself time to think
·  be Honest: if you can't answer the question, say so
·  keep control over the audience and don’t allow any chaos
·  ensure that you entertain only relevant questions
·  keep a lookout for time – don’t allow the question / discussion session to
linger interminably
·  be polite
·  don’t forget to thank the audience at the end

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