Monday 9 May 2016

The process of communication: the intent and the content

The process of communication: the intent and the content

Communication is a dyadic and cyclic process. Dyadic means that it is an interaction between two
persons (or two entities) and cyclic means that the process is not one-way: a message originates and
is transmitted via a common medium and code, and it is processed at the receiver’s end, after which
there is a to-and-fro transmission of messages from each end to confirm the understanding or react to
the message. This to-and-fro transmission of messages continues till there is mutual agreement on the
message and the process is then formally brought to a close.

In order to start the communication process ideas need to be conceived in the mind. These ideas,
when processed consciously, flow out in the form of spoken or written words. The concrete ideas
attain meaning as they are transmitted through a series of commonly understood codes (language or
other signs). When the message reaches the receiver, he processes the message consciously in his
mind to unravel the underlying meaning of the message. Once the meaning is deciphered the receiver
acts upon the message in a desired manner by leaving enough room for feedback. The reciprocation
or feedback given by the receiver to the sender of the message is important for the fulfillment of the
communication process. Thus the cycle of communication is accomplished. During dyadic
communication (face-to-face or telephonic interaction) all this takes place instantaneously, so there is
a great risk of miscommunication as there is not enough time to process or understand the deeper
meaning of what is being said.
In a nutshell, the communication process comprises the following elements:
􀂄 The sender
􀂄 The sender has an idea
􀂄 The sender encodes the idea into a message
􀂄 The message travels through a channel
􀂄 The barriers in the path of transmission process
􀂄 The receiver gets the message
􀂄 The receiver decodes the message
􀂄 The receiver provides the message
􀂄 The frame of communication between the sender and the receiver

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