Friday 12 October 2018

Verbal communication

Verbal communication

Verbal communication happens through the use of words. It must be understood that communicator has to depend on the language that has been designed, developed and propagated by humans. As a result, it suffers from a lot of limitations despite the fact that some languages of the world are very developed and command a vast vocabulary.
Verbal Communication, in turn, can be further divided into two groups:
(i) Oral Communication
Oral communications are the messages that come through words, phrases, and idioms from the mouth of the speaker. His appearance, mannerism, body language and the way he throws his voice can make a significant difference in impacting the audience, their attitude, and performance.
It is a very convenient form of expression and presentation. It is almost instantaneous, quick and least expensive.
(ii) Written Communication
This requires preparation and can be thought out properly before committing in writing. It takes time and is expensive. However, it is more accurate and is the norm for technical, legal and most diplomatic communications.
With an increase in the size of organizations, their complexity, and dynamism, many times written communication is the only way to communicate. With technological advancement in our ability to send/receive emails, fax messages, short messaging service (SMS) on mobile phones, instant messaging etc, written messages have become very common and popular.
Ability to send online reports across continents has won the race against time and distance. It is significantly influencing the way people shall do business in the twenty-first century.

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