Thursday 29 March 2018


Effective Time Management

Time goes by at the same rate no matter what one does. One can not speed it up or slow
it down. Unlike the other resources that one manages, there is no way to control time. The
best one can do is take charge of oneself in the framework of time, investing oneself in
those things that matter most in one’s life.

Effective time management requires reducing the impact of the time stealers and increasing
the effectiveness of an individual in getting the things done that need to be done. The following
are the important elements that combine to enable a manager eliminate distractions,
interruptions and inefficiencies in the work process to make the most of time management.

A. Evaluating How Time is Used

The first step of effective time management is identifying how a manager is using his time.
This can be done by –
I. Activity Time Log: The first step for individual to time better is to find out how people
are currently spending their time. Keeping a Time Log is a very effective way to do this.
Through an Activity Time Log, individuals can make a list of the activities or tasks that they
spend time on. The very act of measuring is often enough to raise their unconscious habits
into their consciousness, where they then have a chance to scrutinize and change them.

Time Log requires that individuals track all the tasks – including the routine tasks such as
commuting, reading a newspaper, eating and attending telephone etc. - in a systematic way and
note the successive sequence from the start through the end of the day.

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